I'm Jason Ross, a software architect and full-stack developer based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This is my portfolio site for my professional activities and articles.
I design and build software systems. Systems that provide value to you and your customers as quickly as possible.
I use various methods to automate every part of the process from development and building to deployment and integration testing.
I have an engineering background and I'm a Chartered Engineer but I now design and write software mostly in C#, Python and C++ on both Windows and Linux, usually with SQL databases, although I've also developed with a few other languages.
If you need any help with your current project, or with a new one, please feel free to contact me.
If you'd like to see some of my work, here are some of my open source projects:
My main open source project is Randalyze, a Python package that generates and analyzes random numbers that match those encountered in real life. The numbers are distributed according to Benford's Law; for more details, there's an article on my blog: Are those numbers realistic or fake? Try using Benford's LawAre those numbers realistic or fake? Try using Benford's Law
The Real Python Podcast - Episode 151 - also available on Player FM
The most recent download statistics for Randalyze are:
My newest open source project is primegenerators, a Python package that generates prime numbers, checks whether given numbers are prime, and factorizes them.
The most recent download statistics for primegenerators are:
Witter lets you generate pseudo-random text in the style of an original file you provide. For example, if you want to generate text in the style of Shakespeare's sonnets, War and Peace, or any (preferably big) text document you have, it will come up with gems like:
What acceptable audit canst thou O cruel, say I love thee with mine, compare thee to a summer's story tell Or from their physicians know. For if I should despair I should grow mad, And in mine own love's might O let my looks be then the eloquence, And dumb presagers of my silence cannot boast, I was not sick of any fear from thence.
Nobody said it was going to make sense! What it DOES do though, is to demonstrate text parsing, stochastic methods, and some statistics.
The most recent download statistics for witter are:
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